Monday, February 2, 2009


1. If I could have a life time supply of anything in the whole world it would be Savannah's Grandpa's homemade beef jerky.
2. If I had to give myself a would be 'artist'. I love to create, not just in the theater, but on paper and through music as well.
3. My biggest fear in life is failure and disappointing the people that I love.
4. I waste probably 3-5 hours a week watching youtube videos. Mostly of beatboxing and a cappella.
5. I have spent my whole life building walls. I have always been afraid of letting people in, and just in the past month, after 21 1/2 years of life, I have begun to realize that I can't do things on my own. I need people...I need to trust people.
6. I am honestly afraid of what my life will be without noteworthy.
7. I love cereal...way too much because I am lactose-intolerant, and I can't afford lactaid ($5 for a half gallon!!??!??!?! I don't think so.)In no particular order Reeses Puffs, Cinnamon life, Grape nuts, Coco Dynobites, Marshmallow Mateys, Trix, Chex, Apple jacks, Pops, Capt'n Crunch, cookie crisp, and Oh's are just a few of my favorites.
8. I listen to my ipod anytime I am walking anywhere. Even if it's just from the JKB to the HFAC. I feel empty when I leave it on my desk at home.
9. Not meaning to toot my own horn, but lately I keep getting the feeling that one day I will change the world...not sure how yet, but i'm going to try.
10. I peed my pants on a trampoline once. I think I was 11...luckily I was not wearing pants, i was wearing my bathing suit...It was at a pool party. I just jumped in the pool...problem solved.
11. I cried when I typed that last one...I forgot how funny that was, mostly because I was very embarrassed at the time. I don't get embarrassed very easily anymore.
12. My favorite holiday is 4th of July.
13. I hate shopping, it gives me anxiety. Just ask my mom...or katie, or kristin...or anyone really that has been shopping with me. The only exception to the 'shopping-gives-me-anxiety

' rule is ties. I love shopping for ties.
14. I have bad circulation...which means my hands and feet are ALWAYS cold. which sucks cause I can't sleep with socks on.
15. I cry a lot. When i sing, in cars, in theater, sometimes when I am just walking to campus, when I hear a good song, or just when i'm cutting some onions...wouldn't have pegged me for that kind would you?
16. I love lightning, rain, and thunder.
17. Sometimes I take a sick day from school, work, and life...even when i'm not sick. It helps to keep me sane.
18. thanks to Nicole Hogge, i dislike odd numbers. Like volume in the car or on the TV mostly...just keep it even.
19. Anytime and every time I get onto a computer i check three things. yahoo mail. gmail. and facebook. usually nothing exciting has happened. but i still have to check. cause what if?
20. I cannot spell or punctuate properly to save my life. sometimes i wonder if i lived back when they didn't have spell check, if i would be considered illiterate.
21. I love ice. not on the ground...but in my drinks. I hate lukewarm drinks.
22.I burp too much. that's not really a secret. everyone who knows me knows this. and they secretly wish i would stop.
23. I get lost in music. In good music. For example. I just got distracted and took a 15 minute break between the last sentence and this one because of 'You Found Me' by the fray.
24. People change me. I look up to many people. to name a few. Kristin, Catherine, Landon, Mego, My mother, Katie, Ciara, My Father, My grandparents, nicole, jeff, casey, Kelsey, Cotch, Jenga, NAbz, Hash, Cooley, Pea, Amy, basically every noteworthy lady who is, was, and ever will be. Each of you have helped me, changed me, loved me. thank you.
25. i love the smell of coffee.


~Stappsters~ said...

Can I steal some of you random facts. We have a lot in common.

Courtney said...

yes you can. it is good to know we are the same person! haha